Halloween is coming up and people will go out in their creepy cool Halloween costumes, but some people might be stuck, and the days are going by fast! So I thought about asking Ms. VanDuser about it.
I sat down with Ms. VanDuser to discuss. Here are some questions I asked her.
Q. Who/What are you going to be for Halloween?
A. She is going to be two things a Fairy and a Witch, Ms. VanDuser is always a Witch for the Halloween choir concert.
Q. What is your favorite costume idea you have seen in your life?
A. Ms. VanDuser’s friend was once a Sparkly Pickle for Halloween. She didn’t understand why but she liked the idea. Ms. VanDuser also just likes the idea of dressing up as characters from shows and movies in general!
Q. What are some good strategies for making or coming up with a good costume?
A. Ms. VanDuser thought just looking at what you already have in your collection and trying to build off of that and repurpose was a good strategy.
Q. Have you faced any challenges in the past while coming up with an idea for a costume?
A. When Ms. VanDuser was younger, she got these very expensive cat ears from a costume shop, so she felt like she had to use them a lot for multiple years. The only problem was it was hard to come up with so many ideas!
Q. If you owned a costume shop what kind of costumes would you sell?
A. Ms. VanDuser would sell costumes for school musicals and fantasy costumes, but NOT sell sci-fi costumes.
Thanks for reading!