Q and A jokes:
Q. How did the telephone prepose
A. With a ring
Q. What did the painter say to his girlfriend
A. “I love you with all my art.”
Q. What did the paper clip say to the magnet
A. “I find you very attractive”
Q. What did the cucumber say to the pickle?
A. “You mean a great dill to me.”
Q. Did you hear about the guy who promised his girlfriend a diamond for Valentine’s Day?
A. He took her to a baseball field.
Q. What do farmers give for Valentine’s Day?
Q. What do you call a very small Valentine?
A. A valen-tiny.
Q. What did one bee say to the other?
A. I love bee-ing with you, honey!
Q. What did one volcano say to the other?
A. I lava you.
Q. What flower gives the most kisses on Valentine’s Day?
A. Tulips
I hope you have a great valentines day and I hoped you laughed!