This is an editorial article meaning it is from all of journalism.
Think about your electives, think about which class is your favorite and why ,maybe because your good at it, maybe because you have a friend in it, maybe because its relaxing or maybe because it makes you happy, but with the semester ending journalism will be moved to 6th period. This causes a lot of problems for the people who are in journalism and over half of our class wont be able to do it which means all 6th graders cannot participate and while we do understand that other classes will be affected by this we are trying to get people to understand how the biggest impact might be on the journalism class themselves with all this we have many reasons why we need journalism to be something not only 7th and 8th graders can do not just for our content but to make sure this class is being as efficient as it can be we have interviewed many people about this problem including all of journalism but also kids from other classes we hope you read until the end to fully understand what makes this class different from any other class in Blaine These interviews will stay anonymous, but all are from 6th graders.
Q “Why did you want to do journalism?”
A “Because I really like making stories and informing people and I was going to get to do yearbook which would be great because love designing but now I can’t.”
Q “How do you feel that only 6th graders can’t do it?”
A “It really sucks it’s our first year and we can’t do it (journalism) and we have to wait till next year.”
Q “If somehow you could join journalism how would you want to feel?”
A “I would want to feel like my ideas are valued- and you tell me everyday how amazing it is.”
Next 6th grader, I found by accident, but they might have the most important information.
Q “Do you think it’s fair that 6th graders can’t do journalism?”
A “I think that’s stupid, I wanted to do journalism because I didn’t want to do choir and I haven’t been able to attend the concerts and my grades have been taking a hit because of it so I kind of wanted away out. And now the only choice we have is choir and I was looking forward to trying something new, and being honest the only reason I chose choir is because my friends were they’re not because I actually liked it.”
Next this last 6th grader doesn’t want to switch from choir, but they still believe that’s it’s wrong
Q “do you think it’s fair that only 6th graders don’t get to do journalism.”
A “No 6th graders should have the choice, like what if someone doesn’t like singing their forced to do it and some people get really stressed out about it. They shouldn’t cut if it off.