Sea Turtles are the best animals because they have really cool facts, there are seven types of sea turtles, they live in a bunch of different places, and they’re endangered.
One reason why I like Sea turtles is because they have some cool facts here are them. A cool fact about sea turtles is they go to the same beach that they were born at to lay their eggs. When they get on to the sand it looks like they’re walking. One more fact is sea turtles bury their eggs in the sand of the beach. Another fact is that they follow the moonlight to the ocean.
Another reason why I like sea turtles is there are many different sea turtles to like, and here they are. Leatherback, Green Sea Turtle, Loggerhead, Hawksbill, Kemp’s Ridley, Olive Ridley, and Flatback Sea Turtle.
One more reason is that sea turtles live in a different places around the world. They live in most of the world’s oceans except the polar seas. They can be found in shallow waters.
Sea turtles are endangered because of pollution. Sea Turtles eat plastic bags, because they look like jellyfish which they eat. They also eat seaweed which plastic bags also looks like.
So, Sea Turtles are the best because they have some cool facts, there are many to like, they live in different places, and they are endangered. So, this is why they are the best animal.