Catharine Blaine has many sports, among them is soccer, and among that sport’s team is it’s coach, Mr. Self, his team is girls only and consists of 18 players. during a recent interview with him, our reporter asked him these 3 questions:
How do you lead your team? “I always want my players to have fun during the practice. But that doesn’t mean they can screw around, they need to have good exercise to bring them together and hopefully to also be hardworking and a kind person.”
What does your team do well? “They work really well together as a team and they are very talented, but more so they are all very kind and supportive of each other, they are a very kind group”.
We also interviewed 6th grader, Reece, who is on the girls soccer team. We asked her, what do you like about the soccer team? Reece said “It’s pretty fun since its all-middle school it’s nice that the 8th graders are nice to the 6th graders.”
What does your team need to work on? “Definitely communication when were on the field in the middle of a game.”
What are you guys good at? “We’re really good at passing and all the basics, hyping each other up is also one of our strengths. We also always do a cheer before games, Mr. Self says it’s to intimidate the other team.”
What type of mindset do you want to have at the end of the season? “I want to feel glad since I’m in 6th grade and I still have 2 more years to try. There are like 4 or 5 teams playing so i hope we can get all the way to the end.”
Sat. Oct. 12 12:00 Noon Blaine vs. Pathfinder at Garfield HS
Sat. Oct. 19 9:00 am Blaine vs. South Shore at Garfield HS
Sat. Oct. 26 9:00 am Blaine vs Salmon Bay at Eagle Staff MS
Sat. Nov 2 —BYE— No game
Sat Nov. 9 12:00 Blaine vs Orca at Garfield HS
Sat Nov. 16 PLAYOFFS including champion ship at Eagle Staff MS