Blaine has many sports, one of them is Ultimate Frisbee. The Frisbee team has won 2 out of 3 games the team participated in and is lead by coach Brent and coach Jackson. The team is also in need of more girls due to only having 5 girls. We interviewed some people on the team including 6th grader Delphine, 8th grader Vayuna, and 6th grader Beckett. This is what they said.
Our first questions were answer by Delphine. “Was what do you like about Ultimate Frisbee?” “I like to play with my friends and it’s like fun I like throwing the frisbee we won 2 and lost 1. The one we lost was against the team who has been practicing for 3 years. “What do you need from your team?” “I need people to work together. the coach wants us to pass to everyone before crossing the line and for everyone to not yell at me probably like… I think a lot of people need to work on flicks like me I feel like people from 7th grade don’t trust 6th graders. “What type of mindset do you want to have at the end of the season? “I want to feel like I tried it even if I didn’t do very well, I want to feel like I can do it next year.”
Next, we have Vayuna, what does your team need to work on? “Communication, passing and defense and staying on your mark, basically defense.” what does your team do well? “Cheering each other at games and having fun on the field.” what type of mindset do you want to have at the end of the year? “like happy that it happened and proud of myself”
Finally, we asked 6th grader Beckett how he and his team intends to win? “By being a team and staying locked in.”
If these responses are anything to go by, our local Ultimate Frisbee team is certain to do anything but fail.
Sat, Oct 19 12:30 PM Blaine Vs Pathfinder at Ingraham HS field
Sat, Oct 26, 10:45 AM Blaine Vs Madison middle school at SWAC stadium #south
Sat Nov 2 10:30 AM Blaine Vs Eagle staff SWAC stadium # south \
GO TIGERS!!!!!!!