When Will we go All Electric?

With the Canadian fires and icebergs melting, we should all be asking ourselves, ‘what are we doing?’ Well, one of the main causes of global warming is the effect that vehicles have on our planet. Cars that are not electric are powered by gasoline, which is a chemical that contributes to global warming. Gasoline contains an element called carbon dioxide. When carbon dioxide is released into our atmosphere, it gets trapped and does not escape into space. When this occurs, it creates a chain reaction. The icebergs melt, forests go dry, and wildfires pop up out of nowhere. Ashes from the fire turn city skies red, and people become sick from the unhealthy air.  

Well, what are we doing to stop this from happening? Automakers across the globe are starting to recognize the problems Earth is facing. These companies are creating more electric cars and by 2035, they predict to have 25% of their sales to be electric. That is a good thing, right? Although that is on the right track, cars can last up to 20 years, so that will only make up 13% of the cars on the road. If automakers want to reach President Joe Biden’s goal of net zero emissions by 2050, gasoline powered vehicles would have to end their sales by 2035. That is a lot to handle for companies like Toyota and Volvo.  

The goal President Biden has forced upon automakers in the US is stressful, considering the little progress we are making at the moment. It does not look like we are going to be close to 100% electric cars anytime soon but keep doing your part for the planet you live on.