How Did Journalism Change With Technology

Journalism has been an essential part of our society for centuries, but its practice and methods have changed drastically in recent years due to the rise of technology. In the past, journalists used traditional mediums such as newspapers and television broadcasts to communicate their stories with readers. But now, thanks to advances in technology like smartphones and social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram, news can be shared instantly around the world on a much larger scale than ever before.

One major change brought about by this technological revolution is that journalism has become more interactive than ever before. Through blogs or websites dedicated solely to reporting news stories from different perspectives or angles, readers are able to engage directly with reporters who may even respond back through comments sections allowing for direct dialogue between journalist and reader alike – something unheard of just a few decades ago! Additionally these days viewers can get their hands on breaking news faster than ever since most outlets post updates online almost immediately after they happen which helps keep people informed without having wait until paper editions come out days later.

In conclusion it’s clear that journalism today is quite different from what it was only two decades ago when information was limited by physical boundaries rather then digital ones; however despite all these changes one thing remains constant: Journalism will always remain an integral part of any functioning democracy because without it citizens would not be able access accurate information needed make educated decisions about current events taking place in their communities!