What is the Willow Project?

To everyone reading, please pay close attention. After all, all future generations could be in jeopardy if nothing is done.

Apologies for the grim Introduction, but it is what is needed to be done.  The Willow project has been a big talking point for a good part of 2023, but why? What even is the Willow project? How does this have any relevance to our Earth’s climate?

Well, the Willow project is a 30-year plan designed by the company ConocoPhillips to make ice roads to transport oil from Northwest Alaska to mainland United States. If the Willow Project goes into full affect, the climate will be disrupted by the refineries getting rid of the waste water after getting the valuable goods from the oil, pouring it in the oceans. Oil Drilling itself is already a main cause of climate change, so adding fuel to the fire will of course not help

This venture was approved by the Trump Administration in 2020, planning to make 5 drill pads to speed up the process set to take decades, yet the Biden Administration reduced that to only 3 in 2022. even through all their climate change efforts throughout their control of office, the Biden Administration felt helpless trying to get ConocoPhillips to quit the project. This is because Conoco had valid leases in the area. They determined that “legally, courts wouldn’t have allowed them to fully reject or drastically reduce the project”, Per CNN.

To play devil’s advocate, there can be no downside without some upside. When the oil is refined, it will greatly boost the United States economy and make this country less reliable on foreign oil trading. After all, there has to be some benefit to the project or it would be pointless to approve.

How important this is to our earth can be seen from a Change.org petition to suspend the project that had over 3 million signatures, the most in the website’s history. All and all, we right these articles to build upon our thoughts, so tell us: Is this a good idea? what do you think this could mean for planet earth come 15 years from now? Let us know in the comments.