Meet the Varsity Soccer Team

The Blaine soccer season is right around the corner so let’s take a look at the team and how it’s looking like the team will do.

This year our coach will be Mr. Self. For those of you who do not know who Mr. Self is, he is the science teacher for the 7th and 8th grade. He has been coaching for 20 years now, so he is very experienced in coaching. Mr. Self liked Pele from a young age and even wrote a book report on him, he always admired him for how he always had a smile on his face. I think this shows just how much Mr. Self cares about soccer being fun, he will surely make this year a blast.

In goal we will have the well known 8th grader Jo, he will definitely keep us steady in the back.

At center back we will likely have the 8th grader Owen, for most of the positions we will be switching around so 7th grader Thijs will probably make an appearance back there. As well as Ben G and Micah who will likely be playing all around the defense. At left back we will have Caden and right back Shen, these two play an important role in getting the ball up the field.

At the center defensive midfield we will likely have a combination of 7th graders Eli and Thijs who will probably be playing at other places in the field too.

In the midfield lot’s of player will be switching off including Liam, Jonny, Micah, Jules, and Leo, having a strong midfield is key to having a good team and it is sure looking like we have that.

For our wingers it is looking like as a left wing we will be playing with the 7th grader Alexander, Alexander feels very excited for the upcoming year and felt that his skills are improving due to advice from his select teams coach. Alexander will be a strong addition to the team in the upcoming season. At right wing the 7th graders Eli as well as maybe Leo too will be playing, the two will likely be switching off.

At striker we will be playing with a mix of Ben H, Gio, and Jonny these players will play a key role on us getting as much goals as possible.

One of the our older players, Liam, was confident that we would have a good year and thought that we would win a lot which I agree with. I don’t know anything about any of the teams other than Salmon Bay who look like they will be really strong. I have heard from multiple sources (including Mr. Self) that they have a strong team and a very strong forward who should be marked well.

It’s looking like we will have a really good year, we have a really strong squad and plenty of new faces who are inevitably going to show some new talent.