A.I. What Is It and How Will It Effect Us?


Artificial Intelligence (or A.I.) has been a major turning point in technology this past year. Artificial intelligence is a simulation of the human mind. Machines are programed to think, mimic, and evolve like humans. A.I. has already been programed into many different types of apps such as, TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. ChatGPT which is one of the most popular websites, has been a genuinely concerning idea to schools. In which, cheating and copying off the website has been an ongoing problem. There are multiple fears about the use of A.I, and what it might bring to the future. But a positive with this technology is helping the health care industry.  Seeing A.I. advanced throughout the year will be promising and probably heartbreaking for our future.

The people who are the most scared are the creators of Artificial intelligence. “One of the biggest risks to the future of civilization is AI,” Musk told attendees at the World Government Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, shortly after mentioning the development of ChatGPT. Elon Musk, the co-founder of ChatGPT had many concerns about his website. Musk left OpenA.I’s board in 2018 and no longer holds a stake in the company. “Initially it was created as an open-source nonprofit. Now it is closed source and for profit. I don’t have an open stake in OpenAI, nor am I on the board, nor do I control it in any way.” Many educated professionals are unhappy about the new development, warning everyone that it will be the end of humanity.  

Yet, there is a debate in the school systems on whether these A.I websites should be blocked. Since introducing ChatGPT 3, it’s been a popular site for students who want to take some extra slack off their backs. According to Education Week, more than a quarter of K-12 teachers have caught their students using ChatGPT for homework, according to a recent survey by study.com. Administrators have different opinions with Artificial intelligence. People like Ethan Mollick is an associate professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, thinks that ChatGPT will help students become better writers and become more influential with their studies. But Aaron Romoslawski, the assistant principal at a Michigan high school, does not agree and says it’s cheating. “That the point of homework is to test your skills on what you’ve learned in that class. Using this websites is plain old cheating”. Both debatable topics and ideas to think about, when thinking on ways to enforce rules amount this tech. 

Finally, one of the positives is the health care industry, and how it’s improved clinical outcomes. Machine learning has the potential to provide data-driven clinical decision support (CDS) to physicians and hospital staff—paving the way for an increased revenue potential. Deep learning, a subset of AI designed to identify patterns, uses algorithms and data to give automated insights to healthcare providers. AI can improve healthcare by streamlining diagnoses and improving clinical outcomes. A critical part. AI’s power in the health care industry is its ability to analyze a vast amount of data sets. Helping to make fast and accurate decisions.  

A.I. is a very big experiment with our society and will probably end humanity, as many of its creators have said. Which is scary and exciting to see many new changes throughout the years.