Why Pineapple Belongs On Pizza

Why Pineapple Belongs On Pizza

“So, do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?”

Cue: Several death stares, three eye rolls and one slammed door.

Pineapple belongs on pizza because its juicy, luscious, and sweet. Its even better with ham, which is salty, crispy, and overall tasty. Both combined is a wonderful mixture of sweet and salty deliciousness. Some people would argue and say that pineapples are acidic fruits and do not mix well with other acidic fruits. Tomato happens to be an acidic fruit and therefore tomato-based sauce and pineapples could be off putting to some people. Some people could really go the distance and say that pineapple on pizza is a ‘disgrace to humanity.’ Italians would also argue that it traditionally does not belong on pizza. Pizza is originally made with focaccia and oil, so people who like pineapple on pizza could argue that tomatoes do not belong on pizza. Did you know that pineapple has loads of health benefits? As a fruit pineapple is packed with vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Together, these nutrients and antioxidants help enzymes within your body fight inflammation, boost immunity and even aid digestion. I’m not trying to convert people to liking pineapple on pizza because everyone has freedom of choice but, I think that if people can accept greasy anchovies on pizza, they should be able to accept pineapple on pizza at least. Finally, for those who argue fruit doesn’t belong on pizza I have only one thing to say… Tomato is a fruit (!) and is universally adored by all! So why can’t pineapple? Checkmate.